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  • Writer's pictureKeisha James, M.Ed.

I (just) want to be a Mother!

For those of you who know me personally, you may be stumped at this statement since I am already a mother to a beautiful little human. For a number of women, as little girls they dream of their wedding day and finding their prince charming like in all the fairytale movies we used to watch during many of our childhoods. So much that when my wedding day came, I was completely lost and overwhelmed when it came to the planning of it all, and I personally enjoy planning gatherings...but, I digress. For me, I have always dreamed of someday becoming a mother.

So after having a number of miscarriages, I was finally able to have a live birth. I love the infant and toddler experiences of young children so much that I built a career around it. When my child turned a year old, it was my first reality check of how quickly time passes and that I desire to be as present as possible because the time spent as a child flies by. After losing my Mother suddenly and my little one approaching age two, I decided to seek out work in my field where I could have more flexibility and still have enough income to provide for our needs. I was fortunate enough to find a role that was part-time and also a step up from the work I had previously done in Education. During this time period, we got hit with the Pandemic and I was able to work from home which, allowed me to be more present, observe how my child learns and who he truly is an individual. Fast forward a few years and a number of experiences later, I became an Independent Contractor and continued with our experiential learning activities.

It hasn't always been easy keeping multiple streams of income coming in especially as a single parent but, it has been worth my being able to be present for my child's learning experiences. I am dedicated to being present for my child's childhood and learning experiences. As a woman, mother, creator on this Planet

, I am committed to designing a life that works for us. Sacrifices and all, I (just) want to be a Mother!

With much gratitude,

Keisha P. James, M. Ed. aka TeacHimMom


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